Friday, April 8, 2011

Home Preschool - Week 11 and 12 - Letter I

I knew that I'd need a week to regroup after the MOPS garage sale, so we took it easy for a week. We tried to use up some of the girls birthday cards that I had in a craft box by cutting them up and making pictures.

Then, I started working on Caroline's handwriting. I'm trying to accept that teaching handwriting is a much longer process than some of the other things I've taught Caroline. First of all, she's not going to do it perfect, even if she knows the right strokes, because the fine motor skills and muscles just aren't ready at her age. It's just not something I can expect her to perfect anytime soon. But, I do want to make sure we are practicing enough.

So, we made a dice of the letters we've covered this semester and took turns writing the letters we rolled. We also wrote all her ABCs on another day. And then we wrote her name several times. We made that a game by intentionally writing a letter incorrectly and then mommy had to figure out which letter was wrong. Then Caroline had to explain what was incorrect. We did all our practice on "rainbow" handwriting paper that I made on our computer with our handwriting font.

We also did a little math/science lesson by seeing how many of our various measuring instruments it took to fill a cup. We used popsicle sticks to help us keep track as we filled the cup with water.

The next week, we jumped back in with Letter I.

Letter of the Week: April 4-8
Letter of the Week: I
Verse: Philippians 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."
Bible Story: My ABC Bible Verses
Circle Time Rhyme: Itsy Bitsy Spider
Circle Time Song: Lord I Lift Your Name on High
Monday: Letter Activity - Do-a-dot
Caroline: HWT
Charlotte: Letter I coloring page
Tuesday: Hooked on Phonics - Letter I Cut & Paste
Caroline : HOP: Orange CD 1:8-10 (TH, "Can You Get Same to the Ship?," Word Play)
Charlotte: Basket
Wednesday: BSF -
Thursday: Math, Science, etc. - Chalk
Caroline: Math Workbook
Charlotte: Coloring book
Friday: Arts and Crafts - Playdough
Caroline: Bible Verse tracing
Baskets: 1 - I Spy Puzzle
Baskets: 2 - Eye droppers with water

We also got some practicle training in sorting light and dark laundry (I tried really hard to make sure no embarassing garments were showing when I took these photos, but don't look too close.).

Charlotte got in on the chores by filling the basket and pushing it to the laundry room.