Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Home Preschool - Wk 4 (E)

Jan 24-28
Letter of the Week: E
Verse: Proverbs 20:11 "Even a child is known by his deeds."
Bible Story: My ABC Bible Verses
Circle Time Rhyme: What will hatch from the little ___ egg?
Circle Time Song: Every Move I Make
Monday: Letter Activity - Dot-a-dot
Caroline: HWT
Charlotte: Letter E coloring page
Tuesday: Hooked on Phonics - Letter E Cut & Paste
Caroline : Kindergarten Yellow 2:61 HOP Book 11 "Hip-O Gets a Pet"
Charlotte: Basket
Wednesday: BSF - BSF
Thursday: Math, Science, etc. - Counting Eggs
Caroline: Elephant addition page
Charlotte: Elephant coloring page
Friday: Arts and Crafts - Playdough
Caroline: Cut & Tape Bible Verse
Baskets: 1 - Counting eggs
Baskets: 2 - Clock puzzle
Baskets: 3 - Color matching puzzle
Baskets: 4 - Words I know jars

The girls are both improving at our ABC cut & paste activity that we've done for each letter. The first time, Caroline fought me tooth and nail about cutting out her pictures. The next time, I had precut them and drew lines for her to trim two sides of each picture so it was a small square. Now, she's trimming very closely around the photo's shape.

Charlotte loves to "color" with the purple tinted glue stick. Then we "pat" the picture to stick it down.

Caroline's page has a handwriting practice at the bottom that I created with a handwriting font I purchased for the computer.