Monday, August 2, 2010

Picture charts

I'm sure we'd all agree that communication is key to a successful marriage. And I'm learning that being a successful parent is all about communication too.

At least when Mars and Venus are trying to communicate, there's somewhat a level playing field when it comes to maturity and understanding. But sometimes you have to get creative and do more than explain something to a preschooler.

Picture charts are a great new idea that I've used with Caroline. It started a month ago with table manners. I felt like all I was doing was talk, talk, talking about what we expected of her. So, one morning, Caroline and I staged pictures of what TO and NOT TO do at the table. Then we made a chart. She had great fun posing for the pictures and looking at the camera.

I printed it out and put it in a page protector, right next to her placemat. And I'll tell you, her manners immediatly improved. She was so into the chart. We didn't offer any reward, but just laid out what we expected and she oblidged. Awesome!!

The goals were: Eating with utensils, Holding our cup when using a straw, Using a napkin, Leaning over our bowl/plate, Cleaning our plate before asking for more, and Not playing with our utensils.

We just made a new photo chart for her three post-dinner chores. I hope it's as big of a hit.


Mom said...

"A pictures worth a thousand words" right, Caroline?

Of course we parents (and grandparents and teachers) still add the thousand words...just for good measure;P
