Thursday, October 4, 2007

Words ? ? ?

Well, I don't know if anything she says is coherent enough to be considered a word, but there is a new one... bath.

I posted a few months ago ( about how Caroline would head to the bathroom when we told her it was bathtime. Well, it wasn't a fluke. She really understood what it meant. Everynight, on command, she heads in there to watch Kevin get her bath ready. Kevin has been signing "shower" to her, as well as telling her that it is bathtime. Recently, he started just doing the sign and she pretty clearly says "bath" in response. Brilliant!!

Her other words are mainly the first part of a syllable for the word...

"M" for mommy. Over and over again at times.

"D" for daddy. She's started recognizing the garage door opening when Kevin gets home from work. If we are in the kitchen when it happens, Caroline and the dogs head to the breakfast room and all three stare at the door. It is so sweet and I'm sure it is so fun for Kevin to see her standing there when he opens the door to the house.




And I'm pretty sure she said "duck" yesterday.

She also recognizes lots of things by name. Like "apple" for my decorative apples on the coffee table, "monkey" to pick the monkeys out of the basket of her duplo zoo set, "high chair" to get in her seat for dinner, "clean up," "let's change your diaper" to go to her changing table in her room.

It's so fun to see those little gears turning.