Saturday, March 24, 2012

Houston Arboretum

This should go down as a day that Kevin totally humored me.

First, he took me to the Homeschool Store because I was completely second guessing my selection of science curriculum for next year.  Only to have me decide to go with what I had.  And he ended up having to deal with a work issue (which never happens) the first while that we were there.

Then, I turned his sweet and simple request to take us on a picnic, into a trip to the Houston Arboretum.  We were halfway there already, right?

It turned out to be a great day despite the mosquitoes buzzing us.  We ate bake by the pond and saw lots of turtles sunning themselves on the logs.  We'd never been to the Arboretum before and I'm already excited to plan a trip back to do a homeschool lesson.