Sunday, November 27, 2011

Trimming the tree

The girls both got in on the fun decorating a Christmas tree for their room.  Caroline was excited to add some little pink disco ball type ornaments that I'd let her select on a trip to Hobby Lobby.  Each year when we do a little tree in the girls' room, it reminds me of the Tasha Tudor book "A Doll's Christmas."

Back when we started our holiday decorating, I decided that I wanted red and green lights on our tree.  After nine Christmases, our actual electrical cords are going bad for some reason and we lost our second original strand this year.  Kevin sweetly made a trip to the store mid-decorating and then sat with me on the floor changing our every alternating light build.  What a sweet guy!

Tied with my Jewel Tree that my grandpa made for me, my other favorite decoration is the Hallmark village collection that my grandma started for me.  I have them all the way back to the early 80's.  I love that they are Victorian in style and that they are like little dollhouses, with open backs and furnished rooms.  I let the girls have some time to look at them before I arranged them in my curio cabinet.

It felt good to be all decked out and get the job done despite feeling first trimester queasy.


corner curio cabinet said...

are they twins? look so lovely....