Thursday, December 10, 2009

Christmas at the Courte

Several of the families in our Sunday school class came to Ainsley Courte with us this evening. We decided that it would be fun to go to the nursing home as a family, so we scheduled it in the evening and took all the kids in their Christmas Pjs.

Unfortunately, Charlotte was getting over the flu, so Kevin stayed at home with her. But Caroline had lots of fun.

We took miniature candy canes for the kids to pass out. Caroline and her friend, Samuel, had learned in MOPPETS that an upside down candy cane is a “J” for Jesus, so they shared this with all the residents.

Here’s Caroline with our favorite resident, Miss Ann. If you look back at Easter pictures, Miss Ann is holding baby Charlotte.


This is Miss Grace.


Here’s Tyler with his friend, Pooh.

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This is Miss Laverne. I wish I’d gotten a better picture of her because she is another of my favorites. She’s full of energy and I think in all my visits, I’ve never seen her sitting down. She often opens the door for me as we leave. She love seeing Caroline since three of her four children have red hair. Her husband called her “Elvira” because that was a popular country song in 1949 when they were dating. And my favorite thing is that I can count on her to say that “these children are our future.” It’s always so encouraging and helps me keep perspective.


I took all of our jingle bells and shakers and we corralled the kiddos for a couple rounds of “Jingle Bells.” I think everyone had a lot of fun.