Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Girl talk

A couple cute Caroline things...

Caroline was pointing out some of her artwork that was laying on her picnic table while we were eating dinner last night. Kevin wasn't understanding what she wanted to look at, so she very firmly told him "Turn around," so he'd look back at her table. We cracked up - mainly because her tone of voice was so loud.

Today, Caroline was singing her made up Jesus song to Charlotte... "Jesus, you are Charlotte's light." So cute.

And have I mentioned how sweet Caroline has been to Charlotte since she came home from Grandma's house? She's always sweet, but she must have really missed Charlotte because she's picked it up a notch. Burping Charlotte. Talking to Charlotte. Giving her toys. At the store this week she walked next to Charlotte's stroller, gently reassuring Charlotte, "I'm right here."


Carrie S. said...

I like how you even caught Charlotte smiling in the first pic! (how many pics did that one take? lol) I swear I take 20 shots just to have 1 good one.

Kelly Mc said...

i love the matching outfits.. too cute margaret!