Monday, April 14, 2008

Caroline news....

So, last week, Caroline had her 18 month check-up. I had to take her in for a sinus infection, so we went ahead and did all the check-up stuff too. There was a fire drill in the middle of the visit, so I was a little off and forgot to get her percentiles. I'll get them when I go back for her shots in two weeks.

Anyway, they ask you this whole list of questions. Can she say the "D" sound? Will she look you in the eye? If you ask her to get something from another room, will she go get it? My mom doesn't remember them doing this when I was young. I think it's so hard. I don't want to be a cheater, so I'm racking my brain for examples to go with each question before I answer "yes."

There were two that I didn't think Caroline could do... the "T" sound and stacking four blocks with NO help at all. So I answered "no." And wouldn't you know, now she can do them!! Friday, she stacked four blocks (and it's totally random that she decided to play with them)... okay, I had to straighten block number three before she put the fourth one on. Then this weekend she called my parent's dog (Tinkerbell), "Ti ti."

Other new things...
-saying "Bi(g) Bir(d)"
-pointing out and saying "boo boo" for her skinned knee (and Kevin taught her that the man on the side of the road in the good Samaritan story has boo boos)
-putting words together "da da book" (when Kevin's book fell off the bar stool), "bye bye da da," "sit da da more" (Kevin was playing the guitar and she wanted to sit in his lap to help strum)
-saying "bow," which is a total tease because then she won't let me put it in her hair
-eating with a fork (she gets so excited when she stabs something herself that she claps her hands with the fork still grasped and sometimes we lose the contents)
-clapping when we sing "When you're happy and you know it"


Erica said...

I totally know what you mean! The questioning part of the appointment really stresses me out! It's like if they could warn you about what they were going to ask, you could give them a well-thought-out answer!!! ;)

Lisa H. said...

We just had our youngest child's 18 month appointment this week as well and they didn't ask any of those questions. Instead they asked if he could say at least 6 words, is he interested in toilet training, climbing skills, etc.

(btw, I found your page via Kevin's facebook account. I went to church & high school with him.)

Anonymous said...

(she gets so excited when she stabs something herself that she claps her hands with the fork still grasped and sometimes we lose the contents)

This was so funny to me, for some reason!

Debra said...

Don't let them stress you out with these questions. Children are unique and do things at different rates, and a few "no" answers doesn't mean there is anything developmentally deficient in your child. You know how concerned I was that Seth wouldn't talk, and then when he decided to it was totally in complete sentences. Einstein didn't talk till he was three. AND, I saw Caroline stack three blocks when I was there at Easter, almost a month ago so I'm sure she can stack four now - IF she WANTS to - LOL!