Monday, July 23, 2007

Stair Master

Caroline has several new things for me to blog about.

The most notable one is that she learned to climb the stairs. Yes, put one more baby gate on the shopping list. Since the stairs are kind of out of our play area, she hasn't really noticed the bottom of the stairs before now, but she did last week. In fact, with the motivation of a pair of flip-flops (she loves our flip-flops) we got her to climb the entire staircase (with proper spotting from me of course).

Grandma taught Caroline "eye" and "mouth." She can point them out on several of her toys.

Speaking of pointing, Kevin taught her that the previous week. Those two have a little E.T. game that they play.

Caroline's newest noise is made by putting her bottom lip over her top lip and blowing. She'll do it for hours.

I made some "flashcards" a few weeks ago with pictures of Kevin and me. I'd say that about 80% of the time she'll select the correct picture for "mommy" or "daddy." And she can sort of day "dada" but we aren't quite sure if she means it.

Caroline has also been making her opinions known at the dinner table over the last couple weeks. Did I blog about the carrots that I made her? I cooked some carrots so she'd have some veggie finger food to go with the cut up fruit we'd been giving her. She normally puts whatever she picks up straight into her mouth, but she just plays with the carrots and takes them off the plate and puts them on her tray. It is kind of funny. And last night I tried giving her some cut green beans. She was spitting those out, but would eat them if I put them in a spoon of her baby food. She does however, like eating shredded cheese... and we like it too b/c it really keeps her occupied.

I think Caroline is in the middle of a growth spurt, since her naps have been longer the past couple weeks. And I've noticed her chewing her thumb more lately, so I think her top teeth are on their way.

Well, we just got back from the library and she's asleep. I'd better catch up on the laundry that I didn't do last week - Kevin laughed at me when I told him that I had "work" to catch up on today.


Anonymous said...

Better be careful about teaching her the stairs! She will be going up (and tumbling down) without you! :-)