Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Nine Months In, Nine Months Out

Well, Caroline is 9 months old today. That means that she has been "out" as long as she was "in." If I had to choose, I would say that the 9 months "out" has felt longer. Not in a bad way. It's probably because I have so many memories to go with the past 9 months and that it's the freshest in my memory.

Caroline had her 9 month checkup today. She weighs 16 pounds (10th percentile still) and is 28 inches long. Dr. Nguyen said that Caroline has a long torso. She did NOT get that from me. Caroline did great during the exam. She is such a good little girl. Of course, then comes the shots and the "I'm so upset that my cry makes no sound for the first five seconds" scream, but it quickly subsides once I pick her up. She loves her mommy. And her mommy loves her.

Speaking of... I got my first voluntary kiss today. Kevin has taught her to give kisses. There's no puckering going on, but she'll lean in and press her mouth up to your cheek if you prompt her. Last night, I was holding her and I gave Kevin a kiss. She leaned right towards him ready for her turn. Today though, she leaned in to give me a kiss right in the middle of playtime. It was so cute!!