Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Mother's Day

Top five reasons that I have the BEST mom...

1) She is an excellent caregiver. Who else will drive you to the hospital with a broken leg, rescue you from the collapsing waste basket in the hotel shower, make sure you have food and water within five minutes of getting home with your newborn, make numerous runs to the store for all those newborn/postpartum necessities, and wake up in the middle of the night when you freak out about blood in your breastmilk?

2) All those dedicated early years that I unfortunately can't remember. The late night feedings, trips to the pediatrician, countless field trips to the library, park, and zoo, PBJ sandwiches, art projects, cleaning up toys, laundering clothe diapers, and playtimes.

3) She intricately beaded my Junior prom dress, sewed four bridesmaid and one junior bridesmaid dresses, and made countless Halloween
costumes including a ballerina tutu.

4) She helped me paint, not one, but two yellow nurseries, so her grandaughter would have the perfect room. And she helped me scour the town for music note fabric and made the crib bedding, curtains, and bedspread. Oh, and she averted her eyes during the ultrasound so we could keep her a surprise.

5) She's everything that I strive to be. She's a servant to her family, church, and community. She got through all of my teenage years without any arguements. She prepared me to be a loving wife and mother. She knows how to step back and let you spread you wings and fly.