Friday, June 17, 2011


It's official.  Caroline swam for the first time today.
We went to our neighborhood pool after dinner, and after about five minutes with her floaties on, she announced that she wanted to take them off and swim.  I was really surprised because this isn't the normal routine of our timid little girl. 

At dinner, she had prayed for braveness to go down the slide.  Well, she didn't go down the slide but God really answered her prayer for braveness.  He's always so faithful to give us what we need, but maybe not in the way we want.

So, we took off her floaties and practiced swimming back and forth from mommy to the stairs.  It's so hard to let your child flounder a little bit and not reach right out to rescue them.  But she did amazingly well at keeping at least her nose out of the water.  She also floated on her back without my support, twice.  We worked at it for at least 30 minutes.  I kept giving her suggestions to stop so she wouldn't get tired, but she just kept going.

I'm proud of her for trying to swim and succeeding.  But I'm really proud of her for having such a pleasant attitude about it.  I don't think she got frustrated once.  She was just so ready and willing. 

I know we have a long way to go for her to be a full-fledged swimmer.  But it's a very exciting first swim milestone.