Sunday, January 25, 2009

Outside fun

We had lots of fun playing outside this week. On Friday, we even went to a different neighborhood park since we were already in the car running errands. This one had a rocking duck (you know the kind mounted on the big spring). Caroline loved it. And we collected big acorns and acorn tops and made people out of them at home.

We also got some sand table play in. I even discovered that I can let Caroline play out back by herself and watch her through the kitchen window. Score!!

More playtime in the front. Caroline loves her new princess umbrella and can now open and close it all by herself. Which she proudly announces, "I did it" upon completing the task.

Caroline is drawing lines with sidewalk chalk. She always draws lines from the bottom of a page to the top. I don't know if that's a kid thing or a lefty thing. I'd draw from the top to the bottom.


Anonymous said...

What a cute picture with the umbrella!