Wednesday, October 8, 2008

MOPS convention

From Thursday morning to Sunday afternoon, I was gone for the national MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) convention in Dallas. It was an amazing experience and if any of you have the chance to go, I highly recommend it. I don't know if I can even put into words how much it meant to me. With potty training, decorating Caroline's pink room, new bed changes, and as everyone keeps reminding me - I'm pregnant - I didn't realize how much I needed to be recharged.

The first session of the convention started out with black screens and the clicking of a roller coaster going up a track (part of the convention theme). Then, on word at a time, they flashed the motto on the screen... BETTER MOMS MAKE A BETTER WORLD. Wow, I just started crying.

Kevin does an amazing job at appreciating all the work I do with Caroline day in and day out, but it was in that moment that I felt truly validated. And that continued the entire convention.

In addition to all the emotional and spiritual recharging, the convention exceeded all my expections. The speakers in the sessions and workshops were all stellar. I got tons of free stuff at the mom's resource fair. The Gaylord Resort and Conference Center had amazing grounds. And I got to develop friendships with our MOPS steering team. The convention just doesn't compare to some of the ones I went to in college.

Kevin spent the weekend taking exceptional care of Caroline. He has so much fun with her playing that I wonder what I do with my time with her while he's at work. I guess I have to pace myself. The most notable is the huge tent that was in the living room while I was gone. Don't worry girls, he cleaned it all up. In addition, our bed was made, he vacuumed the upstairs, and the dishwasher was run and empty when I got home. Oh, and he worked out our bedtime issues with Caroline - turned out that now she needs a nightlight and he gave the pacifier back. I couldn't ask for a more wonderful husband!! Seriously, how am I so blessed to have this man?


cristina said...

thanks for this post...i've been wondering how the convention went. it was one of my favorite things about being part of MOPS.

i am praying the momentum y'all built up at the convention propels you through the year.

and yay kevin! i'm continually amazed at how dads parent so differently...there are some things i would NEVER even think of...and that's why the kiddos need both pouring into them.

i'm a little sad that i don't get to see caroline in nursery...they graduated her bed, new nursery, and new "big sister" status soon.