Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Cute things kids do...

Today, Caroline and I were having a picnic with her teddy bears. She likes to lay out her pink blanket that she sleeps with and then we get out all the plastic food.

At one point she grabbed my hand. I thought she was going to direct me to help the bear that was sitting in front of me, but no... she prayed!! "Jesus" followed by her signs for thank you for mommy and daddy (which she has lumped into a couple quick motions). When she finished, she took a "bite" of some play pizza.

I was so surprised and a little misty. How precious is that!!

If you want to hear a couple other cute kid stories, check out Madelyn
and Elizabeth.


Erica said...

How precious is that! Thanks for sharing; it warmed my heart!

Sarah said...

That is so awesome that she puts the concepts of prayer and thanks (especially thanks for her parents) together at such a young age. You are an amazing mom!