Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Sick of Sick

Well, our household is sick again.

Caroline has had a runny nose since Saturday morning, and I have that forboading icky throat feeling and nasal congestion. Another week of taking it easy and staying in for us.

On the plus side, I'm totally getting my money's worth out of my new electronic aspirator. They are only $20 at Wal-mart in the baby isle. It doesn't make your child squirm any less, but at least you can constantly "suck" instead of pumping the bulb on the one you came home from the hospital with. And, while very gross, it's kind of satisfying to see all the stuff you are getting out in the collection cup.

On a related note. Caroline loves to have her "ear" temperature taken. If I tell her that I'm going to check it, she starts happily pointing at her ear. Last night, both the aspirator and thermometer were sitting on the bathroom counter. Caroline picked one of them up and stuck it to her ear first and then her nose. They look quite similar.

UPDATE: 1:45 pm Caroline just brought her saline nose spray to me and pointed her finger up her nose. I guess she likes it ???