Thursday, February 14, 2008

"Cancel" your cell phone service

I know... what a random Valentine's Day post, but anyhow, here it is....

Kevin gets a discount with his company with a different cell phone carrier (Verizon) than I currently use (ATT/Cingular). So, for Valentine's Day, he went while I was out of town and got me all set up and picked out the cute pink Razor phone (free with new service) for me. Now we are saving $10 a month with my new plan.

So, I call to cancel my old service today. And wouldn't you know, since I've been such a "loyal" customer, now they want to give me a discount rate of - you guessed it - $10. It would have been nice if they'd offered me that the last two times I've talked to them over the past year - once to cancel Kevin's line when he got a work phone (when they also offered us a discounted rate to keep the second line) and another time just last month to update our bill pay info. During both calls, I asked to make sure that I was on the lowest price plan that I could be on... and I was. I guess the magic words to get a discounted rate are "cancel my plan."

So, the moral of my blog is.... SAVE YOURSELF SOME MONEY... if you have fullfilled your cell phone contract, call and act like you want to cancel it. Then change your mind after they offer you a better deal!!


Anonymous said...

Ugh, I hate anything having to do with phones/cell phones (companies.) It makes me cringe just thinking about dealing with those people.

mindy said...

My big thing with cell phone companies is how they keep raising the lowest plan to way more minutes than I'll ever use. It's a waste of money and yet emergencies do happen - just yesterday the car broke down while I was at Target with Landon. A friend came to help me as Mark left work to come...all because of a cellphone. Ugh - dang things! :) But the razors are cool, I just got one about 2 weeks ago.