Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Easy money!!

I'm not big into rebates... and the time they take to fill out, but I know that a lot of my friends are still in the monthly or quarterly check-up group, so this should be really easy. Go to http://www.lysol.com/. You can get a $5 rebate if you send a copy of your check-up receipt and an original cash register receipt for a purchase of two Lysol products for dates 1/1/08 - 03/31/09.

There were even coupons for Lysol in the Sunday paper (although our paper came without that section so I used some coupons from 1/6/08). I got toilet bowl cleaner and kitchen antibacterial spray and now my rebate is sent off for Caroline's 15 month check-up from earlier this month. That was an easy $5.