Thursday, July 26, 2007


Okay, I have something random to blog about...

We live on a really great street, where we've met a majority of our neighbors. Everyone tells us that we picked a really friendly street to live on. Our immediate neighbor is an older woman, her daughter, and the daughter's son (tenish). I haven't quite figured out their relation to a gentleman that is constantly wrenching on a 1980s Toyota on their curb.

This Toyota peaks my curiosity. It comes and goes, never spending more than 24 hours sitting curbside, however most of the time that it is there, the hood is up and the gentleman's legs are stretched out underneath the car. I can't tell you how many times I've seen the car like this... I really should keep a tally because I'd be at least into the double digits by now. What could possibly be wrong with this vehicle? And why haven't they given up by now?

I find the situation kind of humorous. I know that the Toyota works because #1, it leaves and comes back and #2, I saw it come by on the 4th of July and the owner proceeded to explode fire crackers in our storm drain. Last night, however, we saw some running lights in our driveway and saw a tow truck dropping the car off. And presently, a big black SUV is blocking my driveway to give it a jump. I'm sure that by tomorrow morning, the car will be gone again... running again on borrowed time.

I decided that I should look for the spiritual lesson in this and it reminded me of a verse that I read this weekend.

Jeremiah 18:4 But the pot he was shaping from the clay was marred in his hands;
so the potter formed it into another pot, shaping it as seemed best to him.

Just like God doesn't give up on us, this man has not given up on his car. He knows that it has a purpose and that with a little work, it will fulfill it's function.

I'm feeling a little flawed lately, so I pray that every time that I see the Toyota that I'll remember that God doesn't give up on me.