Saturday, May 19, 2007

Where's my medal?

So, I had to change three poopy diapers in public facilities this week.

I very rarely have to change Caroline's diaper while I'm out. Mainly because it doesn't bother her to be a little wet and I have usually just changed her diaper before we go out. So what are the odds that I have to change three this week - and poopy ones at that?

The first was at a Babies 'R Us "Mother's room" with a diaper pail that happened to be missing the part that holds the smell in - pee yew!!

The second was at a bank's employee bathroom. They didn't have a changing table, but the floor looked clean enough since it wasn't a public restroom - anything in a pinch.

And finally, a change at Panera Bread, where Kevin lucked out, claming there aren't changing tables in the men's bathroom. Does anyone think this is unfair? This changing ended with an upset Caroline when someone flushed the toilet. That must be a scary sound when you are seven months old.

While we are on the topic of changing babies while out in public. How are you supposed to wash your hands when you have a baby in one arm and there's no way you can set her down anywhere? I'm trying to master washing one hand at a time because sometimes a little Germex just doesn't cut it.

I guess Caroline can thank me for all of this next Mother's Day.


Shannon said...

Margaret, totally understand about the changing diapers in public restrooms thing! That and nursing in unplanned places really opened my eyes to the idea of letting go of my expectations. Too funny!! :)

I have found that this bathroom trend has continued now that Elizabeth is potty trained because it is usually I, not Matt, who ends up taking our little girl to the potty. Wow! She definitely already knows about the necessity of putting tp down and washing hands afterward. Ah, the adventure! Despite the chaos at times, it really is a blessing, don't you think? :)