Monday, May 7, 2007

My little escape artist

Part of Caroline's daily routine, since she was only a few weeks old, has been to sit in her chair while I eat my breakfast. It appears that I'm going to have to rework this routine because Caroline tried to escape from her chair.

I was sitting right in front of her, in my recliner, eating my cereal when I noticed that she was sitting in front of the hanging toys. This isn't entirely unusual, she's been able to lean forward - past the hanging toys - since she started sitting up. But this time, she just kept leaning...

and leaning...

and leaning...

Luckily, the seat belt held her in well enough (by her knees) as she slowly tried to squirm free. Don't worry, after documenting her escape attempt, I rescued my little Houdini before all the blood rushed to her head. They need to make five-point harnesses for these things!!


Irene said...

This is great!! I love that you take so many pictures. She IS so beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha!!! This is hilarious

Debra said...

Hilarious!!!! That's my granddaughter - this kinda reminds me of her dad at that age.